New stationPurpleNov 6, 2022Onlinefamilyradio. uk shut down but now a brand new station has launched, Wayoutwavesradio.comYou can catch Flashback 80's with Purple on Thursday nights with classic shows airing Mon-Friday noon ET/5 pm UK
Onlinefamilyradio. uk shut down but now a brand new station has launched, Wayoutwavesradio.comYou can catch Flashback 80's with Purple on Thursday nights with classic shows airing Mon-Friday noon ET/5 pm UK
UpdateSorry for my lack of live shows but I've had some family issues to deal with . Live shows will be returning very soon. ...
New live shows!New live special editions of Flashback 80's With Purple airing on "Across the Pond" edition airs live on Mondays at ...
Schedule Changes for December 2021I will no longer be airing on Starhit1fm on Thursday nights. I will be returning to Novastarradio1 on Thursday nights in January (...